
Loss of Life Advocates guides loved ones through tangled affairs of death

Loss of Life Advocates guides loved ones through tangled affairs of death

If your spouse died today, would you know how to close down their business affairs? Would you be financially prepared to keep up with the mortgage or be sell if need? Can you handle their banking and investment accounts? What about closing credit cards, shutting down social media sites, taking over vehicle titles?

I Am A San Antonio Mom: Esther Pipoly

I Am A San Antonio Mom: Esther PipolyI am a San Antonio Mom: Esther Pipoly The Alamo City is lovingly referred to by many as a big city with a small-town feel, and having the opportunity to chat with born-and-raised San Antonian Esther Pipoly, founder of LOLA: Loss Of Life Advocates, really brought home that message of connection for me.